Thursday, September 29, 2011

How to... try to have fun (in spite of the kids)

Book a weekend alone, plan outings.

Pack your bags, kiss the kids.

Say goodbye. Wave. Peel rubber, baby!

Make your way to your destination.

Toast your good fortune, your escape.

Beach, restaurants, big plans: movies, dancing.

Reality? These two "fun" people's plans?

Fizzled out with the evening's twilight.

The culprits? Not the usual suspects.

No little boys and their antics...

Too much sun, too many cocktails,

Super early bird dinners sans children,

Make for sleeping parents at 9:00 p.m.

Know how to do something?  Visit Melissa and check out Six Word Fridays!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fast. Slow. In-between.

My feet pounding on the asphalt.

Breath comes heavy, sweat cleansing me.

Keeping the beat of my soundtrack.

Pushing, hoping for better time.

Deadlines looming, obstacles to overcome daily.

The clock ticks ever so slowly.

Eyes glance continuously, disappointment looms.

It could not possibly go slower.

But somewhere in between the hoping

for better pace, for warp speed

on the slowest of some day,

I know I cannot control time.

Every day, knowledge of time's passing,

gnaws at my heart, mind, soul.

I pray for time to slow,

for more time, a slower pace:

to enjoy these boys who grow

at warp speed, heart aching pace.

Keeping pace? Visit Melissa and find out more about Six Word Fridays.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Connect five...

On the days that end in "y":

Opportunities missed to strengthen our bonds.

Work, school, homework, dinner, bath, bed.

Rinse. Repeat. Days end with "Why?"

Why is there so much crammed

into these 24 hour periods?

Days flow into one another, unrecognizable.

On a day that ended in "y,"

an opened envelope beckoned, invited

a chance, a glimmer, an opportunity,

to connect five people who live

rushing on days ending in "y".

A free meal, a wonderful cause;

helped connect our party of five;

end our day with knowledge that

days that end in "y" can be

as magical as days that begin

with "S", even as summer ends.

Trying to connect?  Visit Melissa and find out more about Six Word Fridays!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another move...

Another fall. Another phone call. Worry.

Another set of plans gone awry.

Another chance to do what's right.

Another mess to efficiently clean up.

A house to box up, sell.

Another move to a new place,

to start over at the end.

Dismantling and rearranging lives already lived

never gets any easier; less heartbreaking.

And yet, when given the options,

moving, starting over at the end

is better than hearing, "They're gone."

Because of love, the move's orchestrated,

the worries lessen a bit more.

Others care and monitor, feed, bathe.

And all that's left to do

is love until the last move.

What moves you? Visit Melissa and find out more about Six Words Fridays.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Exchanges: Summer vs. Fall

Summer requirements include: flip-flops, sunglasses, sunscreen

Cheesy novel, rigorous exercise, extensive meals.

Easy days, lazy nights, no schedule.

No shoes, no shirts, no problem.

Fast forward to August; exchanges required.

Fall requirements include: school uniforms, supplies

Required reading, no exercise, quick meals.

Hard days, harder nights, rigorous schedules.

High heels, ironed shirts, countless assignments.

New challenges, new opportunities, new beginnings.

Sometimes, exchanges aren't all that bad...

This for that?  Uneven exchange?  Tell us more.  Visit Melissa and learn more about Six Word Fridays!