Friday, September 16, 2011

Connect five...

On the days that end in "y":

Opportunities missed to strengthen our bonds.

Work, school, homework, dinner, bath, bed.

Rinse. Repeat. Days end with "Why?"

Why is there so much crammed

into these 24 hour periods?

Days flow into one another, unrecognizable.

On a day that ended in "y,"

an opened envelope beckoned, invited

a chance, a glimmer, an opportunity,

to connect five people who live

rushing on days ending in "y".

A free meal, a wonderful cause;

helped connect our party of five;

end our day with knowledge that

days that end in "y" can be

as magical as days that begin

with "S", even as summer ends.

Trying to connect?  Visit Melissa and find out more about Six Word Fridays!


  1. Very creative - fun way to tackle a subject we often worry about and leave us with lots of hope at the end!

  2. being mindful of the need to stay connected ans then making space and time for it to actually happen are things I (and I think everybody) struggle with.
    yay for magic!

  3. Days that end with y, and end with why-- so true. I always love when a little magic finds its way into days (weeks) (months...) like that!

  4. I love this! It's time for me to enjoy my day that starts with 'S', which is too quickly resembling a time-gobbling day that ends with 'Y'


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