Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fast. Slow. In-between.

My feet pounding on the asphalt.

Breath comes heavy, sweat cleansing me.

Keeping the beat of my soundtrack.

Pushing, hoping for better time.

Deadlines looming, obstacles to overcome daily.

The clock ticks ever so slowly.

Eyes glance continuously, disappointment looms.

It could not possibly go slower.

But somewhere in between the hoping

for better pace, for warp speed

on the slowest of some day,

I know I cannot control time.

Every day, knowledge of time's passing,

gnaws at my heart, mind, soul.

I pray for time to slow,

for more time, a slower pace:

to enjoy these boys who grow

at warp speed, heart aching pace.

Keeping pace? Visit Melissa and find out more about Six Word Fridays.


  1. I hope for time to enjoy the precious moments too! To, banish stress, and just laugh together!

  2. Oh yes, time is far more fluid than we like to think.

  3. I love the last line! Their growth and change does make my heart ache. And it looks like we've both been pounding the pavement :)

  4. Ooh, that last line got me. YES. Heartache in the pace for me, too.

  5. I really like the line 'keeping the beat of my soundtrack'. Yes indeed!


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